Important Update! We are here to support you!

Important Update! We are here to support you!


Transcript below:

Hi everyone I'm Dr Kimberley Collins of Nurture Chiropractic. I really dislike being on video but I thought it was important that I shared some information with you today, so bare with me I'm doing my best. So because we're an essential service. And we're here to help and look after people. We have to take your health and cleanliness extremely seriously. So we wanted to point out the things that we were doing, in our practice, to make sure that you were safe. So we have removed all the cups, we've taken out all the magazines, all the toys. There are a couple of toys here but as soon as they used we are washing them again. We are cleaning the table between every single person. Which each person anyway in our practice gets a facecloth, that gets washed on a regular basis after their used of course, haha, but when we have enough to wash them all in the wash at once with hot water. We're cleaning the tables down with disinfectant. Unfortunately my poor little leather table might not survive that. So after all this we might actually have to recover it. That’s something will cross when we come to. We are practicing social distancing. All the chairs in the waiting room have now been spaced out and because I'm a solo practitioner and running my own office. At any one time the practice, besides families of the same family, you may have one to three people in the office anyone time. We also have a beautiful area to wait outside and if you want to you're more than welcome to head down the back and use my garden. Which has lawn, oh it’s nice and beautiful in the sun today. There's something else that I discovered today. You know when you’re just thinking about things and you're working at how you could assist and help people more. I've been watching everyone not want to touch the front door. Which is understandable. And it's been … I've been cleaning it and cleaning and cleaning it and then I remember that I had this. Watch the magic that I discovered. Put that chock in there. Doors open nobody has to touch it to go in or out anymore. But we are asking you still, as soon as you come in, please go and wash your hands. If we now walk down to the back of the practice, we have a bathroom, cleaning supplies in there. There's a toilet, you don't have to touch the door either ‘cuz we're leaving at open. Unless you're going to the bathroom. The bathroom is being cleaned daily. What else have we got? Oh something else I forgot, and I forgot that I had these, because these were so hard to find and I remembered that I bought some a long time ago and I had them in storage. Facemask, it’s attractive isn’t it? Anyway in all seriousness, I hope this was informative and I hope they give you some peace of mind. I understand a lot of you are afraid out there. I want you to practice calming and self-care techniques. Things like regular exercise getting out in nature. Yes you have to practice social distancing techniques you have to listen to the advisements of the Australian government about what that actually means. When you can get out? I think at the moment it's once daily for regular exercise no more than 2 people, 1.5 metres apart, unless you’re in a family. Being calm and calming your nervous system down actually has a very functional purpose. Which is supporting your immune system and increasing your digestion. So you’re going to be out of fight and flight. Fight and flight is a response where we go back into reptilian brain. Reptilian brain is just about I just want to save myself right now. But that takes you out of prefrontal Cortex, which is all about rational thinking and rational thought. So yeah if you're still concerned about anything, if you’re still concerned about coming, in just give us a call. We want you and your nervous system to be supported as much it can during this time. And we want you to stay safe and we want you to feel safe. So take care look, after each other and will talk to you soon. Bye

Back To School 2020

Come the end of January, many of our young patients or children of our patients will pack their books, polish their shoes and head back to school, ready for the year ahead. However, kids don’t often think about the impact that common classroom activities like sitting in a classroom, carrying a heavy bag and excessive screen time can have on their overall health and wellbeing.


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Merriam – Webster states that Nutrition is the act or process of being nourished. Specifically the sum of the processes by which an animal or plant takes in and utilizes food substances.
When I think of being nourished I think of whole, loved, hydrated, radiant etc. They’re all loving words to describe something that is absolutely cared for in every essence. I get images of growing and thriving, living to the full and feeling energised. 



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Nurture Chiropractic Summer 2016 Newsletter

Nurture Chiropractic Summer 2016 Newsletter



Now is the perfect time to reflect on your goals for the coming new year. You may have goals yet do the correlate with your values? A value is your reason to get up in the morning. You always find time and energy for it. Everything you do is geared towards that value. You don’t have to push yourself to do it. So if something you do is an effort then likely not high on your list of values. Or you do not see how that activity can assist you doing your highest value.



Welcome to Nurture Chiropractic ...

Thank you all for your love, support and patience. I apologise to all seeking to be checked that I have kept you waiting this long. Nurture Chiropractic is currently taking appointments and opening doors this coming Tuesday 3rd May at 8:30am.